Thought I’d get in a quick camping trip myself before the season starts at Schoolhouse. Colton was on spring break and Corina had a week off so we headed south. Great trip - camped at Big Sur and Santa Barbara on the way down to Joshua Tree and then on to Anza Borrego State Park and Red Rock Canyon. The desert is great in the spring and with so few campers out, we got a spot every time. Everything was starting to bloom and it was t-shirt weather most of the time. I heard it rained here while we were gone, but I guess I was lucky as we missed the storms everywhere we went.
The picture above is a vista leaving Anza Borrego with the Salton Sea in the background. California is such a great place. There is so much to do here. I could have kept going for weeks. Every time I met someone, they had a new place for us to check out. There is a fantastic feeling of freedom in not having any place you have to be and no reservations. We just hit the road and let the trip unfold. We did the full southern California beach experience, deserts, the forgotten Salton Sea and a living ghost town called Randsburg.
Spring Bloom
Flowering Cactus
Corina & Colton